Saturday, December 26, 2009

Vinturi Wine Aerator

There are many people talking about the Vinturi Wine Aerator. And that is with good reason. Simply put, there is no other device that will so quickly and easily improve and enhance your enjoyment of red wine. My discovery of the invented in California Vinturi literally changed the way I thought about red wines and the rituals that seemed to surround them.
Like many people I measured a wine by how it tasted as it was poured right from the bottle. I wonder how many waiters quietly snickered at me when I tried to elegantly swish the wine around the glass without spilling any. In the back of my mind I had always thought to “decant and aerate” was just for show. I WAS WRONG.

Letting the wine breathe or aerate makes an amazing difference. It is a revelation. It seems like you are drinking a wine that smells and tastes different and most importantly – better, smoother and more easily enjoyed. The difference in after-taste is amazing. Vinturi Wine Aerator gives you perfect aeration in just the time it takes to pour a glass of wine.

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